Dear God in Heaven why is it that there is ALWAYS so much damn drama surrounding women? I mean, when I have just had friends that were guys, there was NEVER the kind of shit that goes on when you have a group of girl friends.
Ok, so I one of my best friends happens to be the manager of a convenience store. Yes, I know, not the most glamorous job, but a job nonetheless. Well, through knowing her and all I have met and gotten to know the other girls that work up there and I get to see first hand the drama that surrounds this group of women. It's not so much LB that is involved in the drama, but the girls that work for her. It is a never-ending source of entertainment for me. The latest fiasco has been with a young lady ( if that is what you can call her) we will call SM. Well, SM started out ok, but then there was a constant emergency with her kids or her "man" in jail, or her baby daddy, or the daycare, or whatever. That got old really quick. Then she got her tax refund, bought a car (FINALLY) and things calmed down til the crack-head, I mean SM, started stealing. Of course, we should have seen this coming. In the end, she gets fired, cries, blames it on everyone else, tries to get everyone else fired, and on and on it goes. Now customers have been coming in all day today apparently telling LB that SM was always coming out of the cooler "geeked" out. I suppose if I was smoking crack in the cooler I would be a little "geeked" out too!! I mean really! Who does that? Needless to say, this is just an example of drama that I see on a daily basis in the places that I go. Being in sobriety, I was hoping to get away from all the drama, but I guess that is not going to happen because I have a vagina. Which really sucks. Somedays, I would so trade in my vagina for whatever you wanted to give me just to get away from all the shit!! I only wish it wasn't embedded in us to be mired in drama all the time. I know that some women are not happy unless they are stirring the drama pot. Those types of drama queens drive me to insanity, but it is like a wreck, I can't stop watching. I am definately a drama rubber-necker. I admit it. Now, I guess it is something I could work on seeing as how I have spent an entire post on how much I hate it!! I suppose the moral of this story is stay away from crack-heads!! Have a great day!