Thursday, March 26, 2009


Why in the name of Jesus of all things holy did they EVER come out with Super Mario Brothers to begin with? Last night I was looking for something to do on the internet because I was bored, so I thought it would be neat to Google my old favorite Nintendo game, the original "Super Mario Brothers". Yeah, great idea!! Not only did I find it, but I found a place that you can PLAY it!!! Suddenly, I was transported back to when I was 12 years old and we got a Nintendo for Christmas. There I was, glued to the screen, playing that damn game!! My shoulders were all tense like it was the most stressful thing in the world and if I didn't save the princess then all the world was going to hell!! And on top of that, since I'm an adult now, I sat here and cussed at the screen like it would change anything. Back when we had the controllers, we would move our hands back and forth when we were jumping and since I can't do that now, I move my head!! Oh My God!!! This is true insanity. I have amazed myself at the level of my addictive personality. I get addicted on the first try!! Just give me a little taste and from then on I'm yours!! All the while, my common sense is screaming at me to give it up!! I have conversations with my common sense quite often. This is what we talked about last night. 

Me: Oh cool!!! Super Mario Brothers!! I LOVED this game when I was like 12.

Common Sense: Don't do it. Don't do it. It will just be one more thing you'll have to quit!!

Me: Playing it once for old times sake won't hurt. This is so cool!!

Common Sense: Don't say I didn't warn you!! 

Me: Whatever....shut-up so I can play!!

20 minutes later...........

Me: DAMN!! F**CK IT ALL TO HELL!! SHIT SHIT SHIT!! Get over the damn gap stupid Mario!! Shit, there goes another life. Just one more time now. 

Common Sense: It doesn't help to yell at the screen! What are you getting so upset about it's just a game. See, you just killed your last man. Let's do something...........

Me: SHUT UP!! One more time. Quit bothering me!! It's my turn!!

Common Sense: One more time? You said that 25 times ago!! 

Me: I can stop anytime, I'm just not ready. I HAVE to beat this level!!

Common Sense: Always one more level, one more level. STOP IT FOOL!!!

Needless to say, in the end I ended up getting pissed at this stupid little game and turning the computer off. Why do things like this piss us off so badly? I felt SOOOO stupid after I sat and thought about it.  Damn games!! Next time I get a great idea like that, I'm going to get up and get away from the computer until the urge leaves me!! I suppose the moral of this story is: Don't play Super Mario Brothers. You may have loved it when you were 12, but you have a much BIGGER vocabulary now and you don't want to scare the kids!!

P.S. If you would like a piece of this insanity, just click on the title of this post and it will take you to Super Mario HELL!!!! AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!


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